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Dateianzeige für idle3-tools (3.4.0)

v3.4.0 stable - 2023-07-07 ============================ * idle3-tools 0.9.1.s21 (RPM build from SuSE Tumbleweed package) v3.2.0 stable - 2022-ß7-10 ============================ * idle3-tools 0.9.1.s21 (RPM build from SuSE 15.4 package) * idle3ctl binary moved from /usr/bin to /usr/sbin v2.8.0 stable - 2018-09-27 ============================ * idle3-tools 0.9.1 First release for eisfair-1 and eisfair-64 Compiled with gcc 8.1.1 - Linked to glibc 2.22 * Changed base requirement to 2.8.8 + Added documentation v2.6.0 stable - 2015-12-10 ============================ * idle3-tools 0.9.1 Compiled with gcc4.7.4 - Linked to glibc 2.15 * Simplified package structure * Changed base requirement to 2.6.1 v0.1.1 testing - 2013-04-05 ============================ ! Removed executable flag from deinstall script ! Fixed base check in v0.1.0 testing - 2013-04-05 ============================ * Initial release idle3-tools 0.9.1 Compiled with gcc4 - Linked to glibc 2.8