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Dateianzeige für update-chk (1.0.3)

v1.0.3 stable - 2023-03-31 ============================ * Correction of changed option in call ( v1.0.2 stable - 2018-11-28 ============================ * Correction in install routine --> cron v1.0.1 stable - 2018-11-28 ============================ * Split Updatecounter in stable | unstable (switchable) * Get ready for eis-64 * Some small typo corrections * Get Doku up to date v1.0.0 stable - 2016-08-24 ============================ * Correct a problem while mail only when updates available * Change status to stable * Some small typo corrections v0.2.1 testing - 2016-08-22 ============================ * Correct a problem while reading installed.db * Correct a problem during counting updates for console * Get Doku up to date v0.2.0 testing - 2016-08-16 ============================ * Manage package db (eisman) update by Update Checker * Changed state from unstable to testing v0.1.4 unstable - 2016-07-29 ============================ Test version, not relaesed * Manage package db (eisman) update by Update Checker v0.1.3 unstable - 2016-07-27 ============================ Test version, not relaesed * Date Last Check * Eisman call options had bin changed v0.1.2 unstable - 2016-07-17 ============================ Test version, not relaesed * Rebuild some complicated checks * Rebuild error messages on console (Boris Sprenger) * Get ready for packagetool "eisman" (Holger Bruenjes) * Correct a problem by using fcron * cleanup v0.1.0 unstable - 2016-07-14 ============================ Test version, not relaesed * Rebuild error messages on console * Get ready for packagetool "eisman" v0.0.4 unstable - 2016-06-29 ============================ * Check for stable only * Check on SVN yes / no * Send mail only if Updates available * Check if fcron.reboot is there when Crontime is "@reboot" * Check if the script is allready runing * Again some cleanup v0.0.3 unstable - 2016-06-25 ============================ Not released * Some cleanup * Check for sendmail v0.0.2 unstable - 2016-06-21 ============================ * initial release