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Dateianzeige für subversion-tools (3.2.0)

Subversion-tools Dieses Paket installiert die Pakete perl-svn-notify python3-subversion --------------------------------------------------------- Weitere Angaben zu SVN-Notify --------------------------------------------------------- ein Beispiele zum setzen in $repo/hooks/post-commit.user ------ ab Subverversion Ver$repo/hooks/post-commit.usersion 1.6.6, eisfair packages 1.1.0, ist es erforderlich das post-commit Skript mit der extension .user zu benutzen. Weiterhin sind die Rechte zu beachten: chmod 0754 $repo/hooks/post-commit.user chown wwwrun.svn $repo/hooks/post-commit.user ------ auch im zusammenhang mit 'trac' '--revision-url' ermoeglicht den direkten Zugriff aus der mail --------------------------------------------------------- Wenn es Probleme mit locales gibt, in der Art svnlook: warning: cannot set LC_CTYPE locale svnlook: warning: environment variable LANG is de.UTF-8 svnlook: warning: please check that your locale name is correct ist es hilfreich LANG=C mitzugeben LANG=C \ /usr/bin/svnnotify \ ..... ---------------------------------------------------------- /usr/bin/svnnotify \ --svnlook /usr/bin/svnlook \ --sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail \ --language de \ --repos-path "$REPOS" \ --revision "$REV" \ --subject-prefix "SVN-HOME commit report" \ --no-first-line \ --revision-url 'http://server/projects/eis-home/changeset/%s' \ --to user@your.lan \ --from "eisfair svn user " ---------------------------------------------------------- Usage To use SVN::Notify, simply add a call to svnnotify to your Subversion repository's post-commit script. This script lives at the root of the repository directory; consult the documentation in post-commit.tmpl for details. Make sure that you specify the complete path to svnnotify, as well as to svnlook and sendmail in the options passed to svnnotify so that everything executes properly. See SVN::Notify for the complete documentation. Synopsis svnnotify --repos-path "$1" --revision "$2" [options] Options -p --repos-path PATH Path to the Subversion repository. Required. -r --revision REVISION Commit revision number. Required. -t --to ADDRESS The notification destination email address. Required unless --to-regex-map. -x --to-regex-map TO=REGEX A mapping between a destination email address and a regular expression to match against the directories affected by the commit. Required unless --to or --to-email-map. --to-email-map REGEX=TO The inverse of --to-regex-map: Map a regular expresion to an email address. Required unless --to or --to-regex-map. -f --from ADDRESS Email address to use in the From header. -D --user-domain DOMAIN Domain name to append to the username to complete the email address in the From header. -l --svnlook SVNLOOK Location of the svnlook executable. -s --sendmail SENDMAIL Location of the sendmail executable. -E --set-sender Set the envelope sender to the from address. --smtp ADDRESS Address for an SMTP server. --smtp-user USERNAME Username for authenticating to a SMTP server. --smtp-pass PASSWORD Password for authenticating to a SMTP server. --smtp-authtype AUTHTYPE Type of SMTP authentication. -c --encoding ENCODING The character encoding for reading and writing data. --svn-encoding ENCODING The character encoding of the log message and the repository files. --diff-encoding ENCODING The character encoding of the repository files. -g --language LANGUAGE Value for the Content-Language header and $LANG environment variable. -d --with-diff Include the diff in the message. -a --attach-diff Attach the diff to the message. -w --diff-switches SWITCHES Switches to pass to C. -R --reply-to ADDRESS Address for use in the Reply-To header. --add-header NAME=VALUE Add an extra header to the email. -P --subject-prefix PREFIX String to prepend to the subject. -C --subject-cx Include the context of the commit in the subject. -X --strip-cx-regex Regex to remove part of the CX file name from the subject. -O --no-first-line Do not include the first line of the log message in the subject. -i --max-sub-length LENGTH Maximum size of the subject line. -e --max-diff-length LENGTH Maximum size of the diff output. -H --handler HANDLER The notification handler, such as "HTML". -F --filter FILTER An output filter, such as "Markdown". -A --author-url URL Include link to specified author URL. -U --revision-url URL Include links to specified Revision URL. -T --rt-url URL Include links to specified Request Tracker URL. -B --bugzilla-url URL Include links to specified Bugzilla URL. -J --jira-url URL Include links to specified JIRA URL. -G --gnats-url URL Include links to specified Gnats URL. --ticket-map REGEX=URL Regex and URL for custom ticket identifiers. --header HEADER Text header to display before body. --footer FOOTER Text footer to display at end of body. -V --verbose Incremental verbose mode. -h --help Print this usage statement and exit. -m --man Print the complete documentation and exit. -v --version Print the version number and exit. More options may be supported by the subclass of SVN::Notify specified by the "--handler" option or by filters specified by the "--filter" option. Consult the documentation of the relevant modules for details.