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Dateianzeige für googler (2.8.9)

Das googler-Paket Dieses Package stellt das Tools googler zur Google-Websuche zur Verfuegung. googler Nach Start von googler koennen auch innerhalb des Programms die gewuenschten Suchbegriffe eingegeben werden. Treffer koennen in einem textbasierten Web-Browser direkt angezeigt werden, wobei die derzeit die Browser elinks, links, lynx, w3m und www-browser unterstuetzt werden. Zur Nutzung dieses Features muss die Umgebungsvariable BROWSER auf einen der oben genannten Browser gesetzt werden, z. B.: export BROWSER=lynx ; googler Um die Umgebungsvariable dauerhaft zu aktivieren, kann die Zeile export Browser= in der .profile-Datei eines Users (/home//.profile oder /root/.profile) hinterlegt werden. Soll diese fuer alle User dauerhaft aktiv sein, kann man diese Zeile in Dateien unter /etc/profile.d hinterlegt werden, also z. B. /etc/profile.d/ und /etc/profile.d/browser.csh Beispieledateien mit der Voreinstellung lynx, der als eisfair-Paket zur Verfuegung steht, befinden sich im Dokumentverzeichnis /usr/share/doc/googler dieses Paketes. googler-Homepage: Manpage zu googler: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOGLER(1) User Commands GOOGLER(1) NAME googler - Google from the command-line SYNOPSIS googler [OPTIONS] [KEYWORD [KEYWORD ...]] DESCRIPTION googler is a command-line tool to search Google (Web & News) from the terminal. Google site search works too. googler shows the title, URL and text context for each result. Results are fetched in pages. Next or previous page navigation is possible using keyboard shortcuts. Results are indexed and a result URL can be opened in a browser using the index number. There is no configuration file as aliases serve the same pur- pose for this utility. Supports sequential searches in a single in- stance. Features * Google Search, Google Site Search, Google News * Fast and clean (no ads, stray URLs or clutter), custom color * Navigate result pages from omniprompt, open URLs in browser * Effortless keyword-based site search with googler @t add-on * Search and option completion scripts for Bash, Zsh and Fish * Fetch n results in a go, start at the nth result * Disable automatic spelling correction and search exact keywords * Specify duration, country/domain (default: worldwide/.com), lan- guage * Google keywords (e.g. filetype:mime, support * Open the first result directly in browser (as in I'm Feeling Lucky) * Non-stop searches: fire new searches at omniprompt without exiting * HTTPS proxy, User Agent, TLS 1.2 (default) support * Comprehensive documentation, man page with handy usage examples * Minimal dependencies OPTIONS -h, --help Show help text and exit. -s, --start=N Start at the Nth result. -n, --count=N Show N results (default 10). -N, --news Show results from news section. -c, --tld=TLD Country-specific search with top-level domain .TLD, e.g., in for India. -l, --lang=LANG Search for the language LANG, e.g., fi for Finnish. -g, --geoloc=CC Country-specific geolocation search with country code CC, e.g. 'in' for India. Country codes are the same as top-level domains. -x, --exact Disable automatic spelling correction. Search exact keywords. -C, --nocolor Disable color output. --colors=COLORS Set output colors. Refer to the COLORS section below for de- tails. -j, --first, --lucky Open the first result in a web browser; implies --noprompt. Feeling Lucky? -t, --time=dN Time limit search [h5 (5 hrs), d5 (5 days), w5 (5 weeks), m5 (5 months), y5 (5 years)]. -w, --site=SITE Search a site using Google. -e, --exclude=EXCLUDE Exclude site from results. --unfilter Do not omit similar results. -p, --proxy=PROXY Tunnel traffic through an HTTP proxy. PROXY is of the form [http://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port]. The proxy server must support HTTP CONNECT tunneling and must not block port 443 for the relevant Google hosts. If a proxy is not explicitly given, the https_proxy environment variable (if available) is used in- stead. --noua Disable user agent. Results are fetched faster. --notweak Disable TCP optimizations. Negotiate Transport Layer Security protocol instead of forcing TLS 1.2 (on Python 3.4 and above). Should be used only in case of connection issues. --json Output in JSON format; implies --noprompt. --url-handler=UTIL Custom script or command-line utility to open urls with. --show-browser-logs Do not suppress browser output when opening result in browser; that is, connect stdout and stderr of the browser to googler's stdout and stderr instead of /dev/null. By default, browser out- put is suppressed (due to certain graphical browsers spewing messages to console) unless the BROWSER environment variable is a known text-based browser: elinks, links, lynx, w3m or www- browser. --np, --noprompt Perform search and exit; do not prompt for further interactions. -u, --upgrade Perform in-place self-upgrade. By default, the latest stable version is used. However, the latest git master is used instead if --include-git is also supplied. This mechanism is not avail- able on Windows (including Cygwin), and if you installed googler with a package manager, this mechanism may have been disabled by your packager at packaging or install time. --include-git See --upgrade. -v, --version Show version number and exit. -d, --debug Enable debugging. OMNIPROMPT KEYS n, p Fetch the next or previous set of search results. index Open the result corresponding to index in browser. f Jump to the first page. o [index|range|a ...] Open space-separated result indices, numeric ranges (sitelinks unsupported in ranges) or all indices, if 'a' is specified, in the browser. Open the current search in the browser, if no argu- ments. O [index|range|a ...] Works similar to key 'o', but tries to ignore text-based browsers (even if BROWSER is set) and open links in a GUI browser. g keywords Initiate a new Google search for keywords with original options. This key should be used to search omniprompt keys (including it- self) and indices. c index Copy url to clipboard. u Toggle url expansion. q, ^D, double Enter Exit googler. ? Show omniprompt help. * Any other string initiates a new search with original options. GOOGLER @T googler @t is a convenient add-on to Google Site Search with unique keywords. While googler has an integrated option to search a site, it could be simplified further with aliases. The file googler_at ( tion/googler_at/googler_at) contains a list of website search aliases. To source it, run: source googler_at or . googler_at With googler @t, the following command searches Wikipedia for hexspeak: @w hexspeak Other googler options can be combined. The shell can be configured to be source the file at start-up for further convenience. All the aliases start with the @ symbol (hence the name googler @t) and there is minimum chance they will conflict with any shell commands. Users can add new aliases to the file. COLORS googler allows you to customize the color scheme via a six-letter string, reminiscent of BSD LSCOLORS. The six letters represent the col- ors of - indices - titles - URLs - metadata/publishing info (Google News only) - abstracts - prompts respectively. The six-letter string is passed in either as the argument to the --colors option, or as the value of the environment variable GOOGLER_COLORS. We offer the following colors/styles: +-------+---------------------------------------------------+ |Letter | Color/Style | +-------+---------------------------------------------------+ |a | black | |b | red | |c | green | |d | yellow | |e | blue | |f | magenta | |g | cyan | |h | white | |i | bright black | |j | bright red | |k | bright green | |l | bright yellow | |m | bright blue | |n | bright magenta | |o | bright cyan | |p | bright white | |A-H | bold version of the lowercase-letter color | |I-P | bold version of the lowercase-letter bright color | |x | normal | |X | bold | |y | reverse video | |Y | bold reverse video | +-------+---------------------------------------------------+ The default colors string is GKlgxy, which stands for - bold bright cyan indices - bold bright green titles - bright yellow URLs - cyan metadata/publishing info - normal abstracts - reverse video prompts Note that - Bright colors (implemented as \x1b[90m - \x1b[97m) may not be avail- able in all color-capable terminal emulators; - Some terminal emulators draw bold text in bright colors instead; - Some terminal emulators only distinguish between bold and bright col- ors via a default-off switch. Please consult the manual of your terminal emulator as well as for details. ENVIRONMENT BROWSER Overrides the default browser. Ref: brary/webbrowser.html GOOGLER_COLORS Refer to the COLORS section. DISABLE_PROMPT_COLOR Force a plain omniprompt if you are facing issues with colors at the prompt. https_proxy Refer to the --proxy option. DISABLE_URL_EXPANSION Show the domain names in search results instead of the expanded URL. EXAMPLES 1. Google hello world: googler hello world 2. Fetch 15 results updated within the last 14 months, starting from the 3rd result for the keywords jungle book in site googler -n 15 -s 3 -t m14 -w jungle book 3. Read recent news on gadgets: googler -N gadgets 4. Fetch results on IPL cricket from Google India server in English: googler -c in -l en IPL cricket 5. Search quoted text: googler it\'s a \"beautiful world\" in spring 6. Search for a specific file type: googler instrumental filetype:mp3 7. Disable automatic spelling correction, e.g. fetch results for googler instead of google: googler -x googler 8. I'm feeling lucky search: googler -j leather jackets 9. Website specific search: googler -w -w digital camera Site specific search continues at omniprompt. 10. Alias to find definitions of words: alias define='googler -n 2 define' 11. Look up n, p, o, O, q, g keywords or a result index at the om- niprompt: as the omniprompt recognizes these keys or index strings as commands, you need to prefix them with g, e.g., g n g g keywords g 1 12. Input and output redirection: googler -C hello world < input > output Note that -C is required to avoid printing control characters (for colored output). 13. Pipe output: googler -C hello world | tee output 14. Use a custom color scheme, e.g., one warm color scheme designed for Solarized Dark: googler --colors bjdxxy google GOOGLER_COLORS=bjdxxy googler google 15. Tunnel traffic through an HTTPS proxy, e.g., a local Privoxy in- stance listening on port 8118: googler --proxy localhost:8118 google By default the environment variable https_proxy is used, if de- fined. 16. Quote multiple search keywords to auto-complete (using completion script): googler 'hello w AUTHORS Henri Hakkinen Arun Prakash Jana Zhiming Wang HOME REPORTING BUGS LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008 Henri Hakkinen Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Arun Prakash Jana License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Version 4.3.1 10 Oct 2020 GOOGLER(1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marcus Roeckrath 2020-10-15