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Dateianzeige für audiofile (3.4.0)

v3.4.0 stable - 2023-06-14 ============================ * audiofile 0.3.6 (RPM build from SuSE Tumbleweed package) v3.2.0 stable - 2022-07-11 ============================ * audiofile 0.3.6 (RPM build from SuSE Tumbleweed package) + One more patch v2.8.3 stable - 2018-09-27 ============================ * audiofile 0.3.6 First release for eisfair-1 and eisfair-64 (RPM build from SuSE Tumbleweed package) v2.8.2 stable - 2018-09-11 ============================ ! Fixed directory structure * Changed libflac library requirements to libflac8 v2.8.1 stable - 2018-06-06 ============================ ! Fixed library requirements v2.8.0 stable - 2018-03-01 ============================ * Initial release audiofile 0.3.6 Compiled with gcc 5.3.1 - Linked to glibc 2.225 (RPM build from SuSE Tumbleweed package)