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Dateianzeige für fritzctl (2.8.2)

Das fritzctl-Paket Kommandozeilentool zur Abfrage und Steuerung von AVM FRITZ!Box Home Automation Geraeten. Das Tool benutzt die LUA-Schnittstelle der Fritzbox. Zunaechst ist mit dem Befehl fritzctl configure eine Konfiguration zu erstellen, in der folgende Informationen abgefragt werden: Config file location: Standard: $HOME/.fritzctl/config.yml Alternativ: /etc/fritzctl/config.yml Communication protocool: Standard: https Alternativ: http Hostname/IP: Standard: Alternativ: IP oder FQDN der Fritzbox Port: Standard: leer (=443) Alternativ: https-Port der Fritzbox wie in der Weboberflaeche festgelegt Login path: Standard: /login_sid.lua Alternativ: keine Username: Standard: (leer) Alternativ: ein auf der Fritzbox definierter User Password: Passwort des zurvor angegeben Users oder Passwort der Weboberflaeche Skip TLS certificate validation: Standard: false Alternativ: true (empfohlen) Path to PEM-formatted certificate file: Standard: (leer) Alternativ: Pfad einschliesslich Dateiname zum Zertifikat der Fritzbox fritzctl-Homepage: https://github.som/bpicode/fritzctl Im Folgenden die Manpage von fritzctl: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fritzctl(1) fritzctl man page fritzctl(1) NAME fritzctl - A lightweight, easy to use console client for the AVM FRITZ!Box Home Automation SYNOPSIS fritzctl [subcommand] [flags] DESCRIPTION fritzctl is a command line client for the AVM FRITZ!Box primarily focused on the AVM Home Automation HTTP Interface. For recent developments and releases visit . For the vendor description visit . OPTIONS --help="false" help for fritzctl --loglevel="info" logging verbosity COMMANDS The following commands are understood: fritzctl about - About fritzctl Show some information about the fritzctl project. fritzctl boxinfo - Display information about the FRITZ!Box Show information about the FRITZ!Box like firmware version, uptime, etc. fritzctl certificate export - Export the TLS certificate offered by the FRITZ!Box Export TLS certificate offered by the FRITZ!Box to stdout, encoded in PEM format. The output can be redirected to a file or copied from the terminal output. Use the data beginning with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and ending with "-----END CERTIFICATE-----". fritzctl completion bash - Outputs fritzctl shell completion for the given shell (bash) Outputs fritzctl shell completion for the given shell (bash) to stdout. Usage depends on the bash-completion binary. Example installation instructions: OS X: $ brew install bash-completion $ source $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion $ fritzctl completion bash > /.fritzctl-completion $ source /.fritzctl-completion Ubuntu: $ apt-get install bash-completion $ source /etc/bash-completion $ source <(fritzctl completion bash) Additionally, you may want to output completion to a file and source in your .bashrc fritzctl completion zsh - Outputs fritzctl shell completion for the given shell (zsh) Outputs fritzctl shell completion for the given shell (zsh) to stdout. Completion functions for need to be stored a file called _fritzctl and this file needs to be placed in a directory listed in the $fpath variable. Afterwards restart the shell or run autoload -U compinit compinit to make zsh aware of the changes. fritzctl configure - Configure fritzctl Walk through the configuration of fritzctl interactively. Configuration file is saved at the end of the survey.", Run fritzctl with administrator privileges if the configuration file cannot be saved by a normal user. fritzctl doc man - Man page for this application Generate the man page(s) for this application. fritzctl help - Help about any command Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type fritzctl help [path to command] for full details. fritzctl list alerts - List recent alert sensor reports List the most recently reported state of all devices with an alert sensor. fritzctl list buttons - List the smart-home buttons List the all smart-home devices recognized as pressable buttons. fritzctl list groups - List the device groups List the device groups configured at the FRITZ!Box. fritzctl list inetstats - Get recent internet statistics Get recent internet upstream/downstream statistics from the FRITZ!Box. fritzctl list landevices - List the available LAN devices List the available LAN devices along with several information like IP addresses, MAC addresses, etc. fritzctl list logs - List recent FRITZ!BOX logs List the log statements/events from the FRITZ!Box. Logs may be subject to log rotation by the FRITZ!Box. fritzctl list phonecalls - List recent phone calls List recently made phone calls. fritzctl list switches - List the available smart home switches List the available smart home devices [switches] and associated data. fritzctl list thermostats - List the available smart home thermostats List the available smart home devices [thermostats] and associated data. fritzctl manifest apply - Apply a given manifest Apply a given manifest against the state of the FRITZ!Box. fritzctl manifest export - Export the current state of the FRITZ!Box in manifest format Export the current state of the FRITZ!Box in manifest format and print it to stdout. fritzctl manifest plan - Plan a given manifest (dry-run) Plan/dry-run a given manifest against the state of the FRITZ!Box. No changes will be applied. fritzctl ping - Check if the FRITZ!Box responds Attempt to contact the FRITZ!Box by trying to solve the login challenge. fritzctl sessionid - Obtain a session ID Obtain a session ID by solving the FRITZ!Box login challenge. The session ID can be used for subsequent requests until it gets invalidated. Visit for more information. fritzctl switch off - Switch off devices or groups of devices Change the state of devices/groups to "off". fritzctl switch on - Switch on devices or groups of devices Change the state of devices/groups to "on". fritzctl temperature - Set the temperature of HKR devices/groups or turn them on/off Change the temperature of HKR devices/groups by supplying the desired value in AoC. When turning HKR devices on/off, replace the value by 'on'/'off' respectively.To reset each devices to its comfort/saving temperature, replace the value by 'comf'/'sav'.To increase/decrease temperatures relative to the current goal, supply '+' or '-' followed by space. fritzctl toggle - Toggle on/off state of device(s) or group(s) of devices Change the on/off state of device(s) or group(s) of devices to the opposite of what it had before. Has no effect on devices that do not support toggling. fritzctl version - Print version of this application Print the version of this application as one-line semantic version string. EXAMPLES About fritzctl fritzctl about Display information about the FRITZ!Box fritzctl boxinfo Export the TLS certificate offered by the FRITZ!Box fritzctl certificate export > /path/to/certificate.pem Outputs fritzctl shell completion for the given shell (bash) fritzctl completion bash Outputs fritzctl shell completion for the given shell (zsh) sudo sh -c '/path/to/fritzctl completion zsh > /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_fritzctl' autoload -U compinit compinit Configure fritzctl fritzctl configure Man page for this application fritzctl doc man | man /dev/stdin List recent alert sensor reports fritzctl list alerts List the smart-home buttons fritzctl list buttons List the device groups fritzctl list groups Get recent internet statistics fritzctl list inetstats List the available LAN devices fritzctl list landevices List recent FRITZ!BOX logs fritzctl list logs List recent phone calls fritzctl list phonecalls List the available smart home switches fritzctl list switches fritzctl list switches --output=json List the available smart home thermostats fritzctl list thermostats fritzctl list thermostats --output=json Apply a given manifest fritzctl manifest apply /path/to/manifest.yml Export the current state of the FRITZ!Box in manifest format fritzctl --loglevel=error manifest export > current_state.yml Plan a given manifest (dry-run) fritzctl manifest plan /path/to/manifest.yml Check if the FRITZ!Box responds fritzctl ping Obtain a session ID fritzctl sessionid Switch off devices or groups of devices fritzctl switch off SWITCH_1 SWITCH_2 fritzctl switch off GROUP_1 Switch on devices or groups of devices fritzctl switch on SWITCH_1 SWITCH_2 fritzctl switch on GROUP_1 Set the temperature of HKR devices/groups or turn them on/off fritzctl temperature 21.0 HKR_1 HKR_2 fritzctl temperature off HKR_1 fritzctl temperature on HKR_2 fritzctl temperature comf HK1 HKR_2 fritzctl temperature sav HK1 HKR_2 fritzctl temperature + 1.5 HK1 fritzctl temperature - 2 HK1 Toggle on/off state of device(s) or group(s) of devices fritzctl toggle dev1 dev2 dev3 EXIT STATUS On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise. If the return code is non-zero, look at the output to get a hint on what went wrong. SEE ALSO kfritz(1), curl(1) Auto-generated by bpicode/fritzctl Jan 2019 fritzctl(1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marcus Roeckrath, 2019-01-06